Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Extract from the Naval Chronicle for Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010

Today’s extract is from 1803.

THE Royal Humane Society have awarded to Mr. Knight Spencer, of Bread-street, Cheapside, their honorary silver medallion for the invention of a Marine Spencer for the preservation of lives in cases of shipwreck, or other accidents at sea. This spencer consists of a girdle to fit the body, six inches broad, composed of about 800 old tavern corks, strung upon a strong wire, well lashed together with laycord, covered with canvass, and painted in oil, so as to make it water-proof; when it is wanted it is to be slided from the feet close up under the arms, and to be fastened over each shoulder by means of tapes or cords. A person thus equipped may safely trust himself to the waves, for he will float head and shoulders above water in any storm, and by paddling with his hands may easily gain the shore.

X, 193

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